Congregation Council
The Congregation Council has general oversight over the life and activities of the congregation. One of its duties is to seek to involve all members of the congregation in worship, learning, service and support.
The Council consists of the executive committee and the chairpersons of the Congregational Committees.
Executive Committee:
President: Is the responsible head of the congregation in all external matters, acts as chairperson at all business meetings of the congregation and council, and sees that all officers and standing committees fulfill their prescribed duties. Email:
Vice-Pres: Serves in the absence of the president, serves as the chairperson of the Personnel Committee and the Nominating Committee. Email:
Secretary: Records the minutes of the congregational and council meetings, performs those duties customarily assigned to a secretary, including correspondence. Email:
Treasurer: Is responsible for all funds received and disbursed by the church and keeps an accurate record of each account, reporting at the congregational meeting.
Financial Secretary: Receives and maintains records of all contributions and is responsible, through a committee and/or hired personnel, to count and record all contributions of every service. Email:
Congregational Committees
The Chairpersons of the congregational committees are responsible for directing and carrying out specific responsibilities of their committee. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, submitting a proposed budget for the committee for the following year, recruitment of committee members and being accountable to the council and the congregation for the actions of the committee.
Education: Lead the congregation's teaching ministry; develop, supervise, and coordinate an effective teaching ministry and provide the opportunity for study by every member of the congregation. Email:
Evangelism: Lead the congregation's evangelism (outreach) ministry; sustain and develop the spiritual life of the members and enrich the spirit of Christian fellowship; identify the inactive members of this congregation and find ways to restore their active participation in the church; establish an outreach ministry to the unchurched in the community. Email:
Properties: Lead the church's stewardship of properties ministry; be responsible for the care and general maintenance of the church building and grounds. Email:
Social Concerns: Lead the congregation's social concerns ministry as they relate to the church's mission; attempt to discover unmet human needs both within this congregation and throughout its neighborhood and larger community and to devise ways of meeting those needs; along with the Education Committee, help the members to understand the issues in society, and the bearing of the Christian faith upon them; motivate and coordinate volunteer activity in the area of social concerns ministry in the congregation and community. Email:
Stewardship: Lead the congregation's stewardship ministry; sponsor stewardship talks, discussions, forums within the church; develop and present opportunities that encourage the commitment of time and talent as well as finances. Email:
Worship: Lead the church's worship ministry; give guidance in all matters having to do with worship and church music; be responsible for everything having to do with worship services, such as the altar guild; recruit and develop musical talent for both present and future service; coordinate ushers, acolytes, and lay readers. The main volunteer opportunities that exist here are membership in the choir, bell choir, and altar guild. Email:
Youth: lead the congregation's youth ministry; coordinate specific youth groups; be the voice of concern for the church's ministry to youth; be the channel for youth expression of needs and concerns in the church. Email:
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